
Corona “Nightmare of Today’s World”

History is full of natural and man made calamities. May it be outburst of deceases like cholera, Rat-Bite Fever, Spanish Fever that took millions of lives in old times; or deadly earthquakes, cyclones and man imposed wars and genocides; almost men of all ages may have witnessed such calamities in one way or the other. We, the humans of 21st Century; the people of the most advanced time, where science& technology have done wonders are squarely helpless against today’s ‘Corona‘. Frankly, we know nothing substantial about the causes of its initial spread.

This is the pandemic of our times and we have to face it. By the time it has engulfed all continents and still penetrating in the nook and corner of the far world. China, Italy, Iran, Germany and Spain are the most hit countries at the moment followed by South Korea, UK, America and rest of the world.

There is a lot of precautionary advice available from different medical forums around the world; including WHO. It is time to observe all such care in letter& spirit so that a biggest humane catastrophe may be avoided. The whole world has forgotten its routine disputes and has become united against this newly emerged common enemy of all. The world has transpired into a global village in true sense. The epicenter of thoughts of the world leaders have revered almost 180 degrees.

The prices of crude have nose dived. The Stock Markets of the world have crashed. Despite all this there is no hue & cry from any corner of the world about these monetary losses. Everybody has realized the importance of life. The dead busy life of our times, all of a sudden has come to a halt. An uneasy calmness has spread all over the world. No unnecessary travelling, no outside foods. It seems as mother nature has decided to teach us a lesson to be content with the limited resources and value them. The skies of the world have started showing a more clear blue view. We are finding more times for our families and loved ones. One thing is clear that we have to live with our fates that has been written by the divine force and we can not escape it.

These hard times will be over sooner or later. But we should not forget the lesson mother nature is teaching us today. We have to take care of each other in these hard times because humanity is above everything.

I wish all the health& happiness to all my sweet Word-pressers around the globe. Some one has very rightly said,” If there is life, there is a world.” Live Long.